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woman holding 0 bills

Will I Get a Bigger Settlement With a Personal Injury Lawyer?

It’s possible that you may receive more settlement money with the help of a personal injury lawyer, but it’s not a guarantee. A personal injury lawyer can help you understand your legal options and the potential value of your case. They can also negotiate with the other party’s insurance company or legal team on your behalf to try to get you a fair settlement. In ...
personal injury form on clipboard

Can I Sue After a Car Accident in Missouri?

Yes, you can sue after an auto accident. Missouri is an “at fault” state, which means that the driver who is found to be at fault for causing the accident can be held liable for damages. This includes medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any resulting property damage. You can pursue compensation for your damages through a personal injury claim. In order to...
man in wheelchair looking defeated

When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, you may be asking, “Do I need a personal injury lawyer?” Whether you need a personal injury lawyer for your case will ultimately depend on the unique circumstances of your case. This is because every personal injury claim is different, and whether you need a lawyer depends entirely on your circumstances. You can...
red an blue car figurines

What Does A Car Accident Lawyer Do?

If you’ve been injured in a car wreck, you may be wondering if you should hire an attorney to help you through the process. You know that you could call the insurance adjuster yourself and get the case settled. And they may have even offered to pay your medical bills and “a little bit more” for your pain and suffering. So is it really worth...
lawyer and client shaking hands

What Does A Truck Accident Lawyer Do?

A truck accident lawyer can help with case investigation by identifying the liable party, collect evidence, negotiate with the insurance company, or prepare a case for trial. Case investigation Gather case evidence Proving damages Settlement negotiations or file lawsuit Trucking cases often differ from ordinary, run-of-the-mill auto accidents in many respects, including the reasons why the crash happened, the complexity of relationships between the parties that ...
red 18 wheeler truck

Can I Sue For Being Hit By A Semi-Truck?

Yes, you can sue after being hit by a semi truck. The specific details of your case, such as the circumstances surrounding the accident and who was at fault, will determine the strength of the case and if you have a valid claim. If the truck accident was caused by a negligent or wrongful act of a truck driver or the trucking company, you may...

How Long Does A Motorcycle Accident Case Take To Settle?

Motorcycle accident claims can settle anywhere between 6 months to 1 year from the date of the accident. However, every accident is different. Whether your motorcycle accident claim settles within a couple of months, a year, or goes to trial in a few years depends on many different factors. If negligence and liability are undisputed, the chances are greater that a case will settle quickly....
How Long Does an 18-Wheeler Lawsuit Take to Settle?

How Long Does an 18-Wheeler Lawsuit Take to Settle?

Truck accident claims often settle within 6 months to 16 months from the date of the accident. However, each truck accident case is different. This is because trucking accidents can involve commercial litigation, multiple parties, and other considerations. The length of time from the date of the incident to the date where you receive a check depends on several different factors: length of treatment for...
terry crouppen and jen accepting best law firm and best attorney award

Brown & Crouppen Voted Best Law Firm in St. Louis

Brown & Crouppen and Jennifer Mocabee are humbled and honored to have been recognized by the people of St. Louis. Our law firm was named Best Law Firm in the STL Headliner Awards and earned the Hartford All-Star Award for receiving the highest number of votes in the Services category. Jennifer was named Best Attorney in the STL Headliner Awards and earned the Hartford All-Star...
man and woman talk after car accident

Can I Sue Someone For Damaging My Car If I Am Not Hurt?

Yes, you can sue someone for property damage after a car accident even if you haven’t suffered any injuries. In some cases, auto accidents can lead to sizable property damage, resulting in overwhelming expenses. Follow these steps to pursue a lawsuit for car damage: Additionally, it’s important to note that even if you believe that you are not injured, it’s important to seek medical attention...