Car Accident

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How To Get More Money From A Car Accident Settlement

It’s a question we have all wondered at one point or another. Whether you are the lawyer or the client, how to get more money from a case is something that we all have thoughts on. These thoughts are informed by the experiences we have in our own cases, and from advice (anecdotal or otherwise) from others about things that have worked for them. There…

personal injury form on clipboard

Can I Sue After a Car Accident in Missouri?

Yes, you can sue after an auto accident. Missouri is an “at fault” state, which means that the driver who is found to be at fault for causing the accident can be held liable for damages. This includes medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any resulting property damage. You can pursue compensation for your damages through a personal injury claim. In order to…

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What Does A Car Accident Lawyer Do?

If you’ve been injured in a car wreck, you may be wondering if you should hire an attorney to help you through the process. You know that you could call the insurance adjuster yourself and get the case settled. And they may have even offered to pay your medical bills and “a little bit more” for your pain and suffering. So is it really worth…

man and woman talk after car accident

Can I Sue Someone For Damaging My Car If I Am Not Hurt?

Yes, you can sue someone for property damage after a car accident even if you haven’t suffered any injuries. In some cases, auto accidents can lead to sizable property damage, resulting in overwhelming expenses. Follow these steps to pursue a lawsuit for car damage: Additionally, it’s important to note that even if you believe that you are not injured, it’s important to seek medical attention…